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Posts in Real Estate
Why You Need a Real Estate Attorney for Zoning Issues

Because zoning regulations only allow for specific kinds of uses for each given property or lot, zoning rules dramatically impact how a residential, commercial, or industrial property owner can use his or her space. As a result, ownership of a property is never absolute because it is always subject to zoning restrictions. The authority of municipalities and local government to establish zoning rules has withheld challenges to the U.S. Supreme Court, and it is clear that property owners must respect zoning rules and not use properties for unapproved uses or build structures that violate zoning laws.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
Do I Need an Appraisal For Residential Property Tax Appeals?

In general, a home is assessed only at specific times. Your home will be assessed to determine its value when it is newly built and completed.  Homes are typically re-assessed when a sale occurs and new people move into the house. When you do home improvements and pull permits, this can also result in a reassessment of your home to account for the higher value due to the improvements.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
How Tenant Law Helps Ensure Your Apartment is Habitable

If a landlord fails to provide an apartment or rental unit that a tenant can actually live in, the tenant has rights including the right to withhold rent or the right to deduct from the rent to pay for the cost of repairs. Both landlords and tenants should seek legal help if a dispute arises related to problems with the habitability of the apartment, as there could be significant amounts of money at stake.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
What Do You Appeal In Residential Property Tax Appeals?

Montgomery County millage rates determine the amount of taxes that will be paid.  The millage rate refers to the amount per $1,000 of property value that is used to determine the amount of property and school taxes owed. You will multiply the assessed value of your home times the taxable percentage of the home to determine the amount that is taxed. You then multiply this by your millage rate. For Conshohocken, the 2016 county millage rate is 3.459 and the 2016 municipal millage rate is 3.5. The school millage is 20.5125 and the total millage is 27.4715.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
Should Landlords Get Advice on Landlord Tenant Law Before an Eviction?

Landlords may wish to evict a tenant for a number of reasons, such as a desire to move in a tenant who will pay more; a tenant who is violating the terms of the lease; or a tenant who is not paying rent as required.  Whatever the reason why a landlord wants to evict a tenant, a landlord should not move forward unless and until the landlord has spoken with an attorney and is confident of how the eviction process will work. This is because tenants have many rights during eviction and landlords cannot just force them to leave.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
Steps to Take Before Buying Land for Development

Before you purchase land for development and throughout the development process, it is imperative that you do your due diligence so you can make the best choices for the success of your project. There are many different things you'll need to make sure you do so you can feel confident the land is a good investment that you can develop the way you wish.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
What Zoning Issues Could Affect Your Land Use Rights?

Zoning rules are aimed at protecting property values, preventing crime and problems for residents, and maintaining nice areas to live. Unfortunately, these rules can be frustrating if you find that they prevent you from doing what you want to do with your own land. It is best to find out as early as possible in the purchase or development process whether zoning will be a problem for you.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
The Steps for Residential Property Tax Appeals

The Montgomery County Board of Assessment Appeals explains the appeals process and the steps to residential property tax appeals. According to the Board of Assessments, appeals have to be filed by August first preceding the year in which the taxes are being appealed. If there is a change in assessment, an interim appeal can be filed within 40 days from the notice of the assessment change.  Appeals have to be either postmarked or hand-delivered on or before the deadline, and will not be accepted via fax.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
Can You Qualify for Low Income Housing Tax Credits?

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) states: "The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is the most important resource for creating affordable housing in the United States today." This program benefits not just to people looking for low income housing, but also developers. If you qualify for these credits, it can also be an important source of financial savings that makes a development significantly more affordable for you to construct.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
When Can Your Landlord Evict You?

Both landlords and renters need to know Pennsylvania landlord tenant law because these laws impose both rights and obligations. The laws mandate that landlords meet basic minimum standards in terms of providing a safe place for renters and in terms of providing renters with notice when they need to leave. Tenants are also required to fulfill certain obligations, including paying rent on time to landlords. 

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Real EstateScott Rothman
Are Residential Property Tax Appeals Successful?

Appealing property taxes can allow for significant savings, but it can be a difficult process. Residential property tax appeals are often successful; however, they are a success only for people who know what is required of them and who put together a strong case to show why the value of their home should be reduced.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
Can You Be Evicted For Breaking Lease Terms?

A tenant may be evicted for failing to pay rent as required by the lease the tenant has entered into. A lease may contain a grace period after which rent is considered to be late. A landlord has to abide by the grace period and rules set forth in the lease for rent collection.  Tenants may also be evicted if they violate other terms of the lease, aside from requirements on rent.

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Real EstateScott Rothman
Key Steps in Securing Site Plan Approval

For subdivision development and many other development projects, developers must submit comprehensive site plans to the Montgomery County Planning Commission.  Your site plan needs to provide sufficient detail to demonstrate that you have taken zoning and land use requirements into account. Depending upon the size and scope of the project, you may also need to demonstrate the environmental impact of any project you are undertaking.  There are fees associated with submitting a subdivision or land development plan for review, and applications may also need to be submitted to local municipal authorities in addition to the Planning Commission.

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Real EstateScott Rothman